Amazon Seller Account Suspended And Recovered Thanks To Green Light

Customer: Mark R.

Industry: Camping & Adventure Supplies

Buyer Persona: E-Commerce Owner

Amazon Seller Account Suspended And Recovered Thanks To Green Light


In this case, we’ll cover Mark’s Amazon Seller Account story. Despite being tragic, the outcome was extremely positive. Mark made a full-time living out of his successful Adventure Supplies Amazon Store. There, he sells gadgetry and basic elements for adventure and camping lovers. Among his top-selling products, we can find YETI-like flasks, coolers, backpacks, and some tough apparel as well. Due to a fatal and innocent mistake, one day Mark realized his account has been suspended, and if immediate action was not taken, the store would be permanently shut down. Luckily for Mark, he jumped into his Green Light account and quickly contacted an Amazon Sellers Policy expert. After quite a struggle, his store is currently up and running again.

The Story Of Camp Adventure

Camp Adventure (CA) is how we’ll refer to Mark’s Amazon Store, due to confidentiality reasons. CA was created in 2018 after Mark was laid off from his salesman job at a local car dealership. His hobby was to spend most of his spare time in nature, camping with friends, it was a niche he understood. That’s why he decided to start reselling niche-related items on Amazon as a new way of living. The concept quickly grew, helping Mark make more than $200,000 of net profit in his first year. More than his old paying job. As his main way of income, the store run so smoothly that Mark never wanted to invest in a brick-and-mortar store, or even expand to his own e-commerce.

The Challenge

The main problem surfaced years ago, when Mark never paid attention to Amazon Seller’s rules, nor went to Seller University. The place where Amazon beginners learn everything they must know to both comply and run a successful business. Despite this, for years nothing happened. Until one day in March 2022, he received a notification that announced his store was now suspended and facing a permanent shutdown if immediate action was not taken. Apparently, Mark’s eldest son, created a seller account of his own, to mimic his dad, and associated Mark’s credit card. Hence, Amazon read as if Mark had two selling accounts. Amazon only gives so many shots at appealing this decision, so every message counted, and every minute as well, since Mark was not making revenue meanwhile.

The Solution

On Greenlight, Mark contacted an Amazon Seller Policy specialist. After quickly mapping out the entire scenario, the specialist assured him that there was a solution. It was not in their hands how long it would take, but he helped Mark create the best appeal text possible, with backing evidence and all the expected info Amazon’s reviewer would need to see that this was a clear mistake. The specialist also advised Mark to not do anything, since he wanted to quickly shut down his son’s account or even register a new credit card. All of that would have jeopardized his own store to a larger extent.

The Results

Thanks for taking proper and duly action through the proper channels:

  • The store was re-opened in 3 days.
  • Amazon took care of closing his son’s account.
  • He avoided a permanent shutdown.
  • He was taken through a Seller’s Policy fast course thanks to the specialist.

“When desperation and adrenaline kick in, and you see all you’ve built for the past years brought to the ground, you just want to sit on that keyboard and start typing like a maniac. If it wasn´t for Green Light, which introduced me to Michelle (the specialist) I would have brought my own store, fully to the ground. Irreversibly!” - Mark R.

If you are running an online business or e-commerce, whether it is on your own or well-known marketplaces, chances are that you may be bridging any internal or local regulation.

Green Light helps you prevent your business from taking the fall!